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Goshen, IN 46526
United States


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A huge thank you to our 5K PLATINUM Event sponsors!

Faith Mission of Michiana | Travel Star Products | RMH Insurance | Miller Poultry

While food drives give groceries and walks produce funds, there is so much more that can be done through Partnering.

Not sure how to help? Here are some examples: 

  • Have a "Jeans Day" fundraiser! Designate a day (i.e. once a year, once a month) in which staff members donate $5.00 enable to wear jeans to work.

  • Donate old office equipment! Don't want to throw away a good printer that just isn't what you need anymore? We'll take it!

  • Offer your services or products for free or discounted prices! It gets you free publicity and improves your company image.

We also welcome any groups, clubs, or organizations who would like to join and support the mission of The Window. Here are a few of those who have helped us along the way.

Supporter of The Year Hall of Fame

If your business is interested in business sponsorship or planning a food drive, please call Naomi at 574-533-9680 or email her at!