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Goshen, IN 46526
United States


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Many may not be aware that The Window has been serving the Goshen community for over 50 years. The organization’s core programs (Katie’s Kitchen, Pantry, Clothes Closet and Meals on Wheels), through the years have become a viable resource for those struggling to make the ends meet. On an average, we serve over 300 people per day. That number is astounding considering we are a staff of 10. Over the past several months we have seen a tremendous increase in services, and we have done our best with your help to keep the pace with the demand, but we are experiencing a huge crunch financially. In order for us to effectively continue our mission to serve the Goshen community, we are needing cash donations.

Please consider making a financial contribution. No matter how big or small, to continue our services for the community.

We will gladly take any shelf-stable items. We also take day-old bread from businesses, fresh produce from gardens, and frozen meat. 

 Sign up for our Email List to receive monthly updates on needed donations. 

You can view the last monthly update here.


Katie's Kitchen Wish List: 

  • Full Size Foil Pans - Deep

  • Silverware

  • Cloth Napkins








Clothes Closet Wish List: 

  • Jeans

  • Men's T-Shirts

  • Men, Women & Children's Socks

  • Men, Women & Children's Underwear






Meals on Wheels Wish List:

  • Substitute Drivers

  • Substitute Dispatchers

  • #8 White Lunch Bags

  • 5 1/2 & 8 oz Deli & Soup Containers with Lids

  • 12 oz Styrofoam Soup Containers with Lids 


Let's Put Your Financial Support Into Perspective...

You could feed a Meals on Wheels client for almost TWO WEEKS with a $50 donation. A $100 donation could give food to a family of four for two months from the pantry. A $500 donation would help Katie’s Kitchen feed over 200 people a hot lunch!

You can make a difference. Without your generous donations, many of those in our community would be hungry and cold, so we thank you tremendously.

You may also send donations to our physical address:
223 South Main Street
Goshen, Indiana 46526

No matter how you donate, you will always receive a thank you note that acts as your tax receipt.