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Goshen, IN 46526
United States



Opening a Window to God's love


inspiring hope for changed lives.

Our mission as a non-profit, faith-based organization,
is to provide services to meet the essential needs of anyone with a limited income.

We’re Hiring! If you want to join our team, check out our job openings here.

Join the Fun and register today to be in The Maple City Ice Bowl! Donate a prize for the raffle. Sponsor a hole - $500. Contact Susi Miller 574.533.9680 ext 208 or with quetions. See the Ice Bowl event page for more information.

From the new Executive Director

I'm excited to be a part of an amazing team, and share this important work.  As I get to know more about The Window, the staff, volunteers, clients, the whole community, I feel a deep sense of welcome and love.  I'm excited to be on this path, and look forward to what we all can do together!

Naomi Leary